Managing Monumental Discoveries

Battelle plays a management role at eight national laboratories that deliver scientific discovery, inspire innovation and solve what matters most.

National Lab Management History


Battelle wins its first federal contract to manage a national lab, the Pacific Northwest Laboratory.

Photo of a Newspaper

Navigating National Needs

In 1965, Battelle was selected by the federal government to manage the Pacific Northwest Laboratory. Now known as the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), PNNL is one of 17 Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories. It has been operated by Battelle for more than 50 years and is responsible for performing interdisciplinary research for other DOE offices as well as government agencies, universities and industry to deliver breakthrough science and technology to meet today’s key national needs.

Pacific Northwest Laboratory


U.S. & foreign Patents

At PNNL since 1965


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory advances the frontiers of knowledge, taking on some of the world’s greatest science and technology challenges. Distinctive strengths in chemistry, earth sciences and data analytics are the heart of PNNL’s science mission, laying a foundation for innovations that improve America’s energy resiliency and enhance our national security.

Working together, the Department of Energy and Battelle have made some remarkable scientific breakthroughs and have strengthened our nation’s energy and national security. Battelle’s commitment to our many sponsors and passion for excellence is unmatched.

Steve Ashby Director, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
September 2019

Battelle and Stony Brook University team up to operate Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Brookhaven National Laboratory


Prize—Winning Discoveries

Transforming Science and Technology Solutions

Brookhaven Science Associates, a partnership of Battelle and Stony Brook University, was selected by the Department of Energy in 1997 to manage operations at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York. Today, Brookhaven advances fundamental research in nuclear and particle physics, energy, materials science and the Earth’s ecosystems.

Throughout Battelle’s co-management with Stony Brook University, Brookhaven National Laboratory has brought online several world-class scientific research facilities, including the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, National Synchrotron Light Source II, and the Center for Functional Nanomaterials, along with leading-edge computational resources to maximize their scientific impact. All of this has been done safely and efficiently.

Photo of worker in Brookhaven National Laboratory

We’re honored to be a member of Battelle’s national laboratory team. Battelle is a crucial partner in achieving our mission: Delivering expertise and capabilities to drive scientific breakthroughs and innovation for today and tomorrow.

Doon Gibbs Director, Brookhaven National Laboratory
September 2019

Battelle, Midwest Research Institute and Bechtel are selected by the Department of Energy to manage operations for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

Potentially Replacing


Of our nation’s Petroleum Consumption

*One of NREL’s many discoveries includes cellulosic ethanol, an ethanol produced from non-food plant sources, which can potentially replace 30% of our nation’s petroleum consumption.

Photo of Green Leafy Plant

Leading the Way to a More Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Energy Future

In 1998, the U.S. Department of Energy announced that a partnership between Battelle, Midwest Research Institute and Bechtel was selected to manage operations at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Today, NREL concentrates on researching energy efficiency, sustainable transportation and renewable power. The lab’s National Wind Technology Center is the nation’s premier wind energy, water power and power grid integration research facility.

Picture of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory


The Alliance for Sustainable Energy, a partnership between Battelle and MRI Global, continues to manage operations at NREL.

An unwavering commitment to scientific excellence is the bedrock of Battelle’s 90 years of success. Together Battelle and NREL share a vision for transforming science and technology discovery into state-of-the-art applications that change our world for the better.

Martin Keller Director, National Renewable Energy Laboratory October 2019

Battelle and the University of Tennessee are selected by the Department of Energy to manage operations at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Developing the




*In June 2019, ORNL’s Summit supercomputer became the most powerful high-performance computing system in the world, delivering a record 148.6 petaflops on the High-Performance Linpack test.


Solving Energy and Security Challenges

Established in 1999 as a partnership between the University of Tennessee and Battelle Memorial Institute, UT-Battelle, LLC, has been responsible for delivering the Department of Energy’s research mission during a period of historic change at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Shaped by the unique cultures of both the University and Battelle, the changes have literally transformed the face of the Laboratory from an outdated institution characterized by shabby facilities and giant parking lots into one of the world’s most modern and successful research campuses.

—Excerpt from Breaking the Mold



Oak Ridge National Laboratory is the largest U.S. Department of Energy science and energy laboratory, conducting basic and applied research to deliver transformative solutions to compelling problems in energy and security. ORNL solves energy and security challenges by focusing on neutrons, high-performance computing, materials and nuclear research.

Oak Ridge Logo

We are the nation’s foremost science and energy laboratory thanks in large part to Battelle’s creativity, vision, and culture of operational excellence in fulfilling the national missions entrusted to us here in Oak Ridge. Today, our transformed campus is home to the world's leading center for supercomputing and global leadership in neutron science, advanced materials, isotope production, and nuclear energy.

Thomas Zacharia Director, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
September 2019

Battelle Energy Alliance begins the management and operations of the Idaho National Lab.

Idaho National Laboratory

Managing the nation’s leading center for

Nuclear Energy

Research and development

Leading the Nation in Nuclear Energy Innovation

In 2005, Idaho and Argonne-West research activities were combined to create Idaho National Laboratory (INL). Battelle, in collaboration with several partners, was selected by the Department of Energy (DOE) to manage day-to-day operations of the new lab. Today, Idaho National is the nation’s leading center for nuclear energy research and development. The laboratory performs work in each of the DOE’s strategic goal areas: energy, national security, science and environment.

Battelle’s guidance, oversight, and example have been vital to INL’s evolution and growth. All of us at the Laboratory are proud to be part of the Battelle family, and are determined to carry out our shared mission of making the world safer, healthier, and more secure.

Mark Peters Idaho Laboratory Director
September 2019

Battelle is selected to manage the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center in Maryland.

National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center


National Laboratory

For the Department Of Homeland Security

Defending the Nation Against Biological Threats

In 2006, Battelle was selected by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to manage the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC). This was the first national laboratory created by the DHS. The mission of NBACC is to understand current and future biological threats, assess vulnerabilities, determine potential consequences and provide a national capability for conducting forensic analysis on biocrimes and bioterrorism.

Photo of NBACC Army Photo of Red Germs

Every day the people of the Battelle National Biodefense Institute confront the reality of biological crime and research to understand the ever-present risks from biological threats. Our work in bioforensics and in threat characterization at the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center has made us an indispensable partner for federal law enforcement and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s trusted expert on biological defense.

George Korch Lab Director, National Biodefense Analysis
and Countermeasures Center
October 2019

Battelle joins the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory management as a teaming contractor.



Applying Science and Technology to make the World a safer place

Photo of a Computer Hall

Applying Science and Technology to Make the World More Secure

In 2007, Battelle joined the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) management as an integrated subcontractor. LLNL aims to enhance the nation’s defense and reduce the global threat of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. It recently opened the Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory to create new materials and technologies alongside academia and private sector.

Photo of Lab Worker at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Battelle and its Triad partners begin management and operations of the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Los Alamos Laboratory

Managing and Operating One of the largest

Science+ Technology

Centers in the World

Solving National Security Challenges Through Scientific Excellence

On June 8, 2018, The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) awarded the management and operating contract for the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) to Triad National Security, LCC. Triad consists of Battelle, the University of California and Texas A&M University. The NNSA notified Triad on July 5, 2018 that it could proceed with the launch of the official transition process—an important milestone for the initiative.

Los Alamos National Laboratory is one of the largest science and technology institutes in the world. It conducts multidisciplinary research in fields such as national security, space exploration, renewable medicine, nanotechnology and supercomputing.

Battelle has a bold history of making discoveries, bringing technology to market, and safely managing some of the nation’s most innovative laboratories. It’s a legacy that Los Alamos National Laboratory is honored to be a part of. We look forward to many years of joint effort to make our country safer, healthier, and more prosperous.

Thom Mason Director, Los Alamos National Laboratory
September 2019

Battelle Savannah River Alliance is awarded the Management and Operations contract for Savannah River National Laboratory.

Photo of Savannah River National Laboratory

Protecting The nation

Through expertise in Laboratory Management, nuclear operations, national Security, and scientific research

Best-in-class National Laboratory

In June of 2021, the Department of Energy authorize Battelle Savannah River Alliance (BSRA) to lead the $3.8 billion Management and Operations contract for Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL). BSRA is led and wholly owned by Battelle. BSRA team members include Clemson University, University of South Carolina, South Carolina State University, University of Georgia, Georgia Institute of Technology, Longenecker & Associates, and TechSource. SRNL works to solve the nation's environmental, nuclear security, nuclear materials management and energy manufacturing challenges.

See Battelle’s global impact over nine decades.

  • Simultaneous Excellence™

    Battelle oversees more than 27,000 employees at eight national laboratories. These U.S. Department of Energy and Department of Homeland Security labs deliver unmatched capabilities that drive scientific discovery and inspire innovation across the nation.

    From basic to applied research in everything from energy to health care, our large research infrastructure management at these laboratories shows our commitment to ensuring U.S. capabilities are the best in the world.

  • We’re successful in our role of lab management because we apply the Battelle philosophy of Simultaneous Excellence™ in the following ways:
    • Excellence in science and technology
    • Excellence in laboratory management
    • Excellence in stakeholder management