ICR25: Call For Abstracts
Abstract submissions for ICR25 are still open.
Your innovation is needed now to meet the greatest challenge of our time.
Ideas for abstract submissions include real world applications, case studies, technology solutions and test beds, but submissions on fundamental research and modeling studies are also encouraged.
The technical program will be organized around the following
major themes, and further refined and finalized after the abstract submission review conducted by the Technical Program Committee.

ICR25 Important Dates
- Early Bird Registration Deadline
- Friday, February 21, 2025
- Abstract Acceptance Notification
- Monday, March 3, 2025
- Techical Showcase Submission
- Friday, March 14, 2025
- Standard Registration Closes
- Monday, April 14, 2025
Investing in Resilient Infrastructure | Risk Assessment for Government, Commercial, Civilian Resilience | Transitioning Nature-based Solutions (to Market) | Innovative Technologies for Resilience | Prioritizing Resilience: Policy, Collaboration, and Environmental Impacts |
Market Mechanisms (technology & process) for Carbon Neutrality | Solutions for Challenges to Health | Carbon Capture & Storage: Scaling | Investing in Future Energy Solutions | Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions for Resiliency |
Entrepreneurship in Sustainability | Water and Air Quality Technologies | Nutrition, Food Security, and Agriculture | Strategies for a Successful Sustainable Economy | Translating Science into Effective Policy & Community Acceptance | Critical Materials | Global Deployments in the Age of Research Security |
Abstract Submission Specifications
General Guidelines
Abstracts must be well-written to clearly and concisely outline the material being proposed for presentation.
Abstracts must convey the information reviewers will need to assess the scope of the work and the data likely to be available at the
time of the presentation, determine its relevance, compare it with other proposed presentations, and, if accepted for the program, assign it to an appropriate format and session.
Abstracts with a pronounced advertising or marketing focus
will not be accepted.
See the example abstract for format specifications.
- Abstracts must be in English
- Abstracts cannot exceed one standard-size page (8.5”x11”) of a Microsoft Word® document with 1 inch left/right/top/bottom margins
Abstracts must be organized under the following required subheadings shown in the example abstract:
- Background/Objectives
- Approach/Activities
- Results/Lessons Learned
Abstracts may be submitted only online. The submission form will require the following:
- Agreement to the abstract submission terms & conditions
- Complete contact information for the corresponding/presenting author and all co-authors (postal mailing address, phone number, and email address)
- Your one-page Microsoft Word® abstract for upload
Note: If you are submitting an abstract on behalf of someone else please be sure to remove your information as the corresponding/presenting author on the submission form and reassign the “corresponding/presenting author” designation to the person that will be giving the presentation. "Co-Presenters" are not permitted.
Placement Notification
In February 2025, the corresponding/presenting author of each abstract will be notified by email of the placement decision. If the abstract is accepted, this email will state the session and format to which it has been assigned and provide information
on preparing the presentation.
Session placement suggestions may be entered on the submittal form. However, acceptance, final placement, and format preference cannot be guaranteed. Final decisions will be based on the best overall design
of the Conference program.
Technical Program Participant Registration Requirement
All participants are expected to register and pay the applicable technical-program registration fees. No financial assistance is available to support registration or other costs of attending the Conference. This policy is necessary because registration fees are the major source of funding for the Conference and a significant percentage of registrants will make presentations or chair sessions.