On-Demand: Presentations

View all the curated presentations that explore breakthroughs in technology, policy, and infrastructure that will help mitigate the existential threats posed to our environment, health, communities, national security, and economic well-being.

Track A

A1. Translation of Climate and Multi-Sector Models into Decision Making

A2. Integrated, Multi-Scale Energy- Climate-Water Modeling for Mid- and Long-Term Planning

A3. Approaches that Co-Optimize Decarbonization and Climate Resilience, Including in Industrial Processes

A4. Lifecycle and Economic Analyses of Carbon Capture, Water Purification, and Ecosystem Restoration

A5. Technologies to Enable Circular Economy and Efficient Recovery of Materials Including CO2

A6. Testbeds to Monitor Ecosystem Health and Response to Disturbances

A7. Case Studies of Large-Scale CO2 Capture and Storage Projects

Track B

B1. Case Studies that Prioritize Infrastructure Resilience Policies and Actions Based on Consequence

B2. Novel Designs, Materials, and Integration for Adaptive or Hardened Buildings and Infrastructure

B3. Case Studies and Test Beds for Monitoring Vulnerability and the Cascading Impacts of Sequential and Multiple Events on Resilience

B4. Strategies to Quantify, Reduce, and Counteract the Effects of Climate Change

B5. New Approaches to Farming and Food Production, as Well as Innovations in Agriculture to Adapt to Change