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Privacy PolicyApril ICR Poster Presentations
Democratizing Climate Data for Vulnerability Analysis and Decision Making. J. Deines, K. Tamaddun, J. Yoon, K. Son, K. White, A. Pinson, P. Nelsen, A. Stenstrom, B. Thames, M. Michaels, R. Alter, D. Judi, and J. Brandenberger.
Jill Deines (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory/USA)
Building an Open Methodology to Analyze Climate Model Data for Resilience Events. J. Cox and N. Grue.
Jordan Cox (National Renewable Energy Laboratory/USA)
A Systematic Framework for Improved Site-Level Environmental Decision Making in a Changing Climate. A.L. Dale, A. Boroumand, and J.T. Rominger.
Amy L. Dale (Gradient/USA)
Predicting Hurricane-Related Power Outages at a National Scale. P.L. Watson, D. Pasqualini, and E.N. Anagnostou.
Peter Watson (University of Connecticut/USA)
Monitoring Climate Change Induced Loss and Damage: Implications for the Design of Adaptation Plans by U.S. States. M. Kurian, Y. Kojima, A. Raymond, and C. Scott.
Mathew Kurian (The Climate Panel/USA)
Application of Dynamically Downscaled Climate Data to Inform Risk Analysis and Resilience Planning. J. Branham, T.A. Wall, and K.B. Pfeiffer.
Jordan Branham (Argonne National Laboratory/USA
Simplifying Climate Decisions for Our Water Resources. M. Bartlett.
Mark Bartlett (Stantec Consulting Inc./USA)
Calling on the Future to Assure the Mission: Downscaled Climate Model Data as a Decision-Making Enabler for Infrastructure Planners and Defenders.A.A. Bochman.
Andy Bochman (INL/USA)
How Data Science and Machine Learning Can Contribute to Climate Research. N. Babayan.
Nelli Babayan (Microsoft Federal/USA)
Climate Resilience of Critical Infrastructures: Applications to Water and Connected Sectors. K.L. Stamber, T. Gunda, N.K. Prittinen, P. Hora, and J. Zimmerman.
Kevin L Stamber (Sandia National Laboratories/USA)
Risk Frameworks for Climate. N. Prittinen and A. Stapp.
Natalie Prittinen (Sandia National Laboratories/USA)
Near-Term Climate Risks and Solar Radiation Modification: A Roadmap Approach for Physical Sciences Research.A. Wong and K. Wanser.
Alex Wong (SilverLining/USA)
The Total Cost of Climate Change: A State-Level Analysis. M. Huddleston, P. Holloway, and P. Chinowsky.
Matt Huddleston (Resilient Analytics, Inc/USA)
Climate Change Policy Evaluation and Its Impact on U.S. National Security. O.P. Erogunaiye.
Omolade Erogunaiye (Texas Southern University/USA)
Jon M Reisner (Los Alamos National Laboratory/USA)
Aerosol Delivery and Transport Study Intended for Marine Cloud Brightening: Current Status of the Science. G. Kulkarni, H. Wang, and C. Kaul.
Gourihar Kulkarni (Pacific Northwest National Lab/USA)
PACI: Performance Assessment for Climate Intervention. L.B. Wheeler, T. Zeitler, S. Brunell, C. Martinez, K. Potter, B. Wagman, L. Shand, E. Roesler, and J. Lien.
Lauren Wheeler (Sandia National Laboratories/USA)
The Nuclear Option: Using Atomic Weapons to Orbitally Capture Asteroids for Geoengineering. C.M. Orban.
Chris Orban (Ohio State University/USA)
Julie Eaton Ernst (Weston & Sampson/USA)
Climate Resilience in the Built Environment. A. Pyrch and D. Spirandelli.
Daniele Spirandelli (Haley and Aldrich/USA)
EPClimate: A New Probabilistic Simulation Model for Assessing Impacts of Climate Change on Power Systems. E.C. Portante, B. Craig, D. Sehloff, S. Jones, and S. Folga.
Edgar C Portante (Argonne National Laboratory/USA)
Congressional Report on Cybersecurity of Distribution Systems. J. Henry and J. White.
Jon White (NREL/USA)
A Case Study: Los Alamos National Laboratory's Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Resilience Plan. S.C. Gould, K.L. Moje, and K.B. Boorman.
Sarah Gould (Los Alamos National Laboratory/USA)
Climate Resilience and Infrastructure Solutions: Risk-Informed Resilience Planning at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. J.A. Rotondo, J. Su-Coker, A. Delgado, H. Rabinowitz, D. Elliott, H. Hudson, and J. Ellis.
Hannah Rabinowitz (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory/USA)
Jaeyeong Lim (The Ohio State University/USA)
Smart and Resilient Energy Infrastructure. A. Kagawa, N. Min, M. Yue, and S. Yoo.
Shinjae Yoo (Brookhaven National Lab/USA)
Chimney Cherry: Combatting Residential Wood-Burning Pollution. S. Allen, R. Palla, and A. Worthman.
Serena Allen (Chimney Cherry/USA)
How to Use Climate Change Analytics to Activate Resilient Infrastructure Investments. M. Fried.
Daniel Bishop (ICF/USA)
Addressing Burntfields™ Fisks: Movement Strategies for Wildfires. S.M.V. Gwynne and R.I. Thun.
Roy Thun (GHD/USA)
Tropical Storm Tracking for Asset Management: There's an App for That! I. Ghosh and R. Seidel.
Robin Seidel (Weston & Sampson/USA)
Assessing Resiliency of Groundwater Remediation Systems that Protect at-Risk Communities. T.O. Goist, J.A. Ricker, D. Winchell, and M. Burns.
Timothy Goist (WSP/USA)
The American WAKE Experiment: Observations of Wind Farm/Atmosphere Interactions. L. Goldberger, R. Krishnamurthy, C. Kaul, V. Morris, D. Flynn, R. Newsom, M. Pekour, D. Chand, N.S. Letizia, and P. Moriarty.
Lexie Goldberger (Battelle - PNNL/USA)
Eliza Hotchkiss (National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)/USA)
MDLab: AI Frameworks for Carbon Capture and Battery Materials. B. Elmegreen, H. Hamann, M. Steiner, R. Neumann, F. Cipcigan, G. de Mel, and Y.-H. Na.
Bruce Elmegreen (IBM Research/USA)
Biobased Powder Coating Technologies. J. Cafmeyer and D. Garbark.
Jeff Cafmeyer (Battelle/USA)
Ryan Orndorff (US Department of Defense/USA)
Houston Ship Channel Expansion Project 11: Dollar Reef Oyster Mitigation Galveston Bay, Galveston County, Texas. K.S. Avanzino and A.M. Pryor.
Scott Avanzino (Quaternary Resource Investigations/USA)
Nature-Based Solutions for Advancing Coastal Resilience: Resilient Built Infrastructure. J. Hamann and J. Malueg.
Jennifer Hamann (Stantec Consulting Inc./USA)
Two, if by Sea: A New Resilient Waterfront in One of Boston's Oldest Neighborhoods. J.S. Frey and R. Seidel.
John S Frey (Weston & Sampson Engineers/USA)
Nature-Based Solutions for Groundwater Recharge. D. Krishnan Nair.
Deepti Krishnan Nair (Battelle/USA)
Carol Eddy-Dilek (Savannah River National Laboratory/USA)
From Molasses to Sea-Level Rise: Langone & Puopolo Park as a Catalyst for Climate Action. C. Baker-Eclipse and J. Eaton Ernst.
Julie Eaton Ernst (Weston & Sampson/USA)
Skating Rinks, Salt Marshes, and Splash Pads, Oh My! Assessing Climate Vulnerability for Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. D. Jenkins, R. Seidel, and S. White.
Doris Jenkins (Weston & Sampson/USA)
Helping our Heroes Stay on Guard: Resilient Planning for Massachusetts Army National Guard Facilities. R. Seidel and C. Yates.
Robin Seidel (Weston & Sampson/USA)
Why Not Africa as the Global Critical Mineral Supply Leader? P. Gibson.
Pandwe Gibson (EcoTech Visions/USA)
Three Steps to Get Started in Managing Climate Risk. K. Bryan and M. Serrano.
Monika Serrano (Turner Construction Company/USA)
Resilience in Commercial Real Estate: Design and Construction, Litigation and Insurance. J.K. Howard, J. Mederson, H. Neber, and M. Serrano.
Monika Serrano (Turner Construction Company/USA)
Guiding Decarbonization of Buildings in the DoD. K. Olson, J. Petry, and M. Michaels.
Kelly Olson (US Department of Defense/USA)
Climate Impacts on Hazardous Material Handling Industries. N. Santella.
Nicholas Santella (BSTI/USA)
Leveraging the FEMA National Exercise Program to Meet the Challenge of Climate Change in Your Community. R. Beltran.
Renzo Beltran (FEMA/USA)
Climate Resilience of Chemical Infrastructures: Exposure Assessment and Options for Preparedness. T. Gunda, A.W. Nelson, N.D. Jackson, and J.M. Wingard.
Thushara Gunda (Sandia National Laboratories/USA)
Sen Chiao (Howard University/USA)
Using CDC's Environmental Public Health Tracking Program Tools to Investigate Environmental Justice Issues in the United States. B. DeHart, B. Fair, A. Greek, and A. Ohm.
Brandon DeHart (Battelle/USA)
Samantha Erwin (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory/USA)
Clear Futuristic Innovative Technology (ClearF.I.T): A Multi-Tiered Approach to Climate Resilience Power of Partnerships. T. Dawson, I. Escobar, and E. Ogbuoji.
Tasha dawson (Battelle Memorial Institute/USA)
Michael Jensen (Brookhaven National Laboratory/USA)
The Waste-Carbon Economic and Climate Action Tool (WECAT): A New Model for Determining the Waste-Carbon Energy Resource Potential. K. Solander, C. Xu, P. Patelli, and B.L. Marrone.
Chonggang Xu (Los Alamos National Laboratory/USA)
Tristan Bannon (Leidos/USA)
Sustainable PFAS Remediation: Comparing the Environmental Impact of Enhanced Attenuation Using Colloidal Activated Carbon to Pump and Treat. K.A. Thoreson and G. Leonard.
Kristen Thoreson (REGENESIS/USA)
Demonstrating Advanced Nuclear Energy Solutions for Net Zero. S.M. Bragg-Sitton.
Shannon Bragg-Sitton (Idaho National Laboratory/USA)
Achieving Net-Zero through Nuclear: Innovating Holistic Scalable Clean Energy Solutions. S.R. Dixon and J. Kandasamy.
Sam/R Dixon (Battelle Energy Alliance (BEA)/USA)
Stephanie Shaw (EPRI/USA)
Synthetic Biology Driven Approach to Repurpose Polyamides (STORM). E. Beasley, J. Lilly, M. Valiev, M. Cheng, J. Bardhan, and K.H. Kucharzyk.
Emma Beasley (Battelle/USA)
Shortening the Supply Chain through Smart Manufacturing. P. Gibson.
Pandwe Gibson (EcoTech Visions/USA)
Paul Freimuth (Brookhaven National Laboratory/USA)
Decarbonization in Agriculture: Modeling and Economic Analysis of Soil Management Practices and Their Impact on GHG Emissions Abatement. C.P. Wejnert-Depue, A. King, S. Barrows, M. Olarte, M. Roy, D. Gelardi, and N. Qafoku.
Camille P Wejnert-Depue (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory/USA)
Challenges and Opportunities for Characterizing Soil Carbon in Agricultural Systems to Support Voluntary Carbon Markets. J.L. Heisler White and F. Salzman.
Jana Heisler White (Battelle/USA)
Farm-Scale Mapping of Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration through Integration of In Situ, Remote Sensing, and Model Data. I.D. Dobreva, Z.T. Leasor, E.A. Eva, and S.M. Quiring.
Iliyana Dobreva (The Ohio State University/USA)
Assessing the Impact of Climate Extreme on Crop Production. C. Xu, K. Solander, and S. Price.
Chonggang Xu (Los Alamos National Laboratory/USA)
Fencing Lands to Enhanced Climate Change Resilience, Promoting Biodiversity Regeneration and Improved Livelihoods of Climate Change in Makueni County. F. Wesonga and F. Keya.
Frank Wesonga (AAHRED/Kenya)
Effect of Shade Trees in Cocoa Agroforestry Systems on Water and Light Availability in Dry Seasons. D. Kyereh.
Dennis Kyereh (Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague/Czech Republic)
Seed Pelleting Did Not Improve Fall Establishment of Oilseed Pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.). A.J. Lindsey, N. Koirala, D.J. Barker, R. Gesch, Y. Mohammed, N. Heller, A.W. Hard, S. Wells, W.B. Phippen, and P. Tas.
Alexander Lindsey (The Ohio State University/USA)
A New Encapsulation Technology for Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria: A Tool for Agricultural Sustainability. F.K. Murdoch, R. Murdoch, N. Lee, A. Small, S. Green, V. Fulwider, and K.H. Kucharzyk.
Fadime Kara Murdoch (Battelle/USA)
Annie Gibbs (Windward Environmental LLC/USA)
Integrating Community Science and Data from the National Ecological Observatory Network: Building Connections and Strengthening Resiliency in Local Communities. M.S. Cumberland and M.N. Faust.
Margaret Cumberland (Battelle/NEON/USA)
Emission Observations and Data Analysis System: Towards Robust and Scalable Measurement, Reporting and Verification. S. Metzger, D. Durden, C. Florian, K. Hilser, M. Kuhlman, P. Mabee, R. Parker, M. SanClements, and K. Thibault.
Stefan Metzger (Battelle/USA)
PFAS Sampling and Analytical Toolbox: Novel Tools for PFAS Site Characterization. K. Dasu, E. Kaltenberg, D. Siriwardena, L. Mullins, and C. Orth.
Kavitha Dasu (Battelle/USA)
Neeraj Gupta (Battelle/USA)
Large-Scale Infrastructure Planning for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage. J. Hawkins, D. Dickson, B. Petras, B. Chen, and R. Middleton.
Jared Hawkins (Battelle/USA)
Certified Carbon Removal is Critical to an Effective and Resilient Response for Stabilizing the Climate. S. Arcusa and K. Lackner.
Stephanie Arcusa (Arizona State University/USA)
CO2 Injection Field Development Planning: Utilizing Dynamic Modeling to Optimize CO2 Injection Plans. J. VanderKooi, R. Rogalski, D. Hegazy, and H. Qualman.
Jason VanderKooi (Battelle/USA)
Integrated Environmental Monitoring Strategy for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Projects. D.M. Kingham, L.J. Molofsky, T.M. McGuire, J.A. Connor, and J.M. Skaggs.
Danielle Kingham (GSI Environmental, Inc./USA)
Evaluating the Potential of Nature-Based Carbon Sequestration in Rangeland and Cropland Soils: A Literature Review. Y. Li, L. Guo, K.L. Walker, C.A. Masiello, and J.A. Connor.
Yue Li (GSI Environmental Inc./USA)
Injection Strategies to Optimize Lower Quality Reservoirs for Large-Scale CCS. J. Hershberger, P.R. Ganesh, B. Petras, J. Sminchak, and N. Gupta.
John Hershberger (/USA)
DMX™ Demonstrator for CO2 Capture: First Results of Experimental Campaign. C. Barbot, D. Albarracin-Zaidiza, V. Carlier, V. Santos-Moreau, P. Bachaud, C. Salais, and B. Petetin.
Clement Salais (Axens/France)