Product Solution

PFAS Air Insight™ Technology

The best decisions come from the best information. PFAS Air Insights technology helps our clients understand how much per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) are in the air. This information is critical for understanding and addressing the potential impact of PFAS.
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Filling Critical
Knowledge Gaps

Battelle’s breakthrough technology measures PFAS in ambient air to better understand potential exposures and possible human and environmental health impact. Identification of PFAS in remote areas have demonstrated the potential for long-range atmospheric transport to other environments. PFAS Air Insights technology delivers critical data to help clients make informed, science based decisions.

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How It Works

Battelle’s PFAS Air Insight approach is a modification of EPA Compendium Method TO-13A, in which ambient air is collected over 24 hours through a glass fiber filter (to capture ionic, particle-bound PFAS) placed in front of a polyurethane foam (PUF)/XAD (divinylbenzene polymer)/PUF “sandwich” (for the neutral, volatile PFAS). Surrogate, isotopically labeled volatile PFAS are added to the sampling media pre-sampling and pre-extraction to track method performance. Sampling media are extracted by sonication or accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) for optimal method performance and PFAS recovery.

Neutral PFAS are quantified using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS) by the method of internal standards. Ionic PFAS are analyzed by isotope dilution high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS).

Photo: Polyurethane foam before air sampling by Battelle

Before Sampling

Photo: Polyurethane foam after air sampling by Battelle

After Sampling

Unique Benefits of PFAS Air Insight

  • Low solvent volumes
  • Short extraction times
  • Optimized extraction techniques
  • Maximized recoveries
  • Quality data delivered
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