If you would like your poster included in the Proceedings you may submit a one-page PDF of it by April 8, 2024. Upload instructions will be sent to poster presenters by mid-March.
The file name must be constructed as follows: Session
Code_Abstract #_Poster_ Presenter Last Name. For example, the file submitted for abstract number 999, scheduled in Session A1 and presented by someone whose last name is Jones, would have the following file name: A1_#999_Poster_Jones.pdf.
Battelle is not requesting exclusive rights to the information in your poster, only permission to include it in the Conference proceedings/reprints and in online formats. This agreement does not restrict the author from submitting the information to another
publisher. By uploading the poster PDF for inclusion in the Proceedings, you agree to the following: As the Lead Author, you hereby warrant that (1) you are responsible for the content and have full authority to make this Agreement for the poster
PDF; (2) if the poster PDF contains previously published material, that publication is properly credited and, if it was a copyrighted publication (i.e., not in the public domain), the necessary permission was obtained by the author(s) from the copyright
holder before the document was submitted to Battelle; (3) publication of the document(s) will not infringe on any statutory or common law, copyright, or any other personal or proprietary right of any third party; and (4) Battelle and the editors are
indemnified against any breach of this warranty. You hereby grant to Battelle a nonexclusive, perpetual license to use, reproduce, and distribute the poster PDF in the collection described. You consent to Battelle’s use of your name in the distribution
of the poster PDF. Any third-party requests to Battelle to incorporate material in the Contribution into other works will be referred to the authors. If the Lead Author is not the owner of the entire interest in the Contribution, then the submission
of the file confirms that any necessary permissions of other authors and/or organizational entities (e.g., employers, clients) have been obtained.