Photo: A Raven with Radio frequencies surrounding it's eye

Accelerating Human Health
and Performance

Your goal is to identify, predict, and mitigate the most challenging threats to people and missions. We partner with you to develop holistic solutions to address the mental, physical, and environmental threats to civilians, warfighters and veterans alike.

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Advancing Human Potential Through Readiness, Resilience and Recovery

As the world’s largest independent nonprofit applied science and technology organization, Battelle has translated our discoveries into societal benefits for over 90 years.

We have spent decades conducting groundbreaking research and developing novel technology solutions to improve the holistic health and performance of those who serve our nation. Our 2,600+ scientists and engineers across the organization combine cutting-edge science and technology with known performance gaps to enable individual and mission success.

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Let's Work Together


We partner with agencies and institutes to develop transformational technologies and procedures to analyze and mitigate the mental, physical, and environmental threats of their duties.


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Our Expertise


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Total Exposure Health

Characterize environmental exposure risks and assess their impact on human health to drive preventive measures.

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Protect the population with human-centric biosurveillance, preparedness, and public health solutions to improve healthcare quality.

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Novel delivery methods for next-generation biologics and cellular and gene therapies.

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Neuro Applied S&T

Augment injury prevention, rehabilitation, and performance enhancement.

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Microphysiological Systems

Modeling, next-generation predictive, toxicology via non-animal models to characterize chemical, biological and disease threats - and develop countermeasures.

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Develop drug delivery, diagnostic and monitoring technology, enhanced by artificial intelligence and machine learning.