Application of Bioremediation to complex Sites

D2. Managing Large and Dilute Plumes

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Combined Active and Passive Treatment of Large, Dilute PCE PlumeF.J. Krembs, G.E. Mathes, M.R. Olson, and M.G. SweetenhamPlatformView
In Situ Bioreactors (ISBRs) for Effective Bioremediation of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Deep, Fractured Bedrock AquifersD. Taggart, K. Clark, B.R. Baldwin, R. Beebe, E. Raes, and K. SublettePlatformView
Characterization and Remediation Approaches for a Deep Subsurface Site: HanfordM.H. Lee, B.D. Lee, T.C. Johnson, and M.J. TruexPlatformView
Bioremediation of Deep Contamination: Deeper Is Not Always More DifficultR.A. WymorePlatformViewView
Strategy for Site Closure of a Large and Dilute MTBE Groundwater PlumeP.L. Chang and B. PatelPosterView 
Biosparging Large Plume with Horizontal Wells at an Active TerminalG.N. Iosue, M.J. Sequino, and K. FordPosterView
Treatment of Multi-Layer Aquifer with In Situ Bioreactors (ISBRs) and Liquid Activated Carbon Leads to Nondetect Results within MonthsC. Uthgenannt, E. Raes, K. Sublette, and G. AraujoPosterView