Addressing Challenging Site Conditions

E4. Adaptive Site Management and Risk Management Strategies

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Remediation Management of Complex SitesJ.B. Price C. Spreng, E. Hawley, and R.A. DeebPlatformViewView
The Use of Adaptive Management Approaches in Support of Remedial Design/Remedial Action at Two Superfund SitesR.A. Wymore, M. Lamar, N. Smith, N. Smith, T. Macbeth, K. Sorenson, M.B. Smith, and S. GarciaPlatformViewView
Can Aquifer Quality at Complex Remediation Sites be Restored?G. Wealthall, N. Grosso, P. Carvalho, and J. HendersonPlatformView 
Integration of a Technical Impracticability Waiver and Groundwater Hydraulic Containment to Mitigate Risk at a Fractured Rock DNAPL Site P.E. Nangeroni, J.R. House, A. Martin, and D. DinsmorePlatformViewView
A New Approach to Managing LNAPL T.R. Andrews and C. DavidPosterView 
Optimizing an Adaptive Remedy in a Highly Heterogeneous Aquifer Using ModelingP.P. Brussock, H. Martin, D.K. Burnell, and J. XuPosterView 
LEAN Approaches to the Remediation ProcessJ. DaltonPosterView 
An Adaptive Approach to Integrating RCRA Corrective Action with Facility DemolitionD. Marquez, M. Hildebrandt, C. Grant, and D. BarkerPosterViewView
Regulatory Negotiations: Case Study for the Remedy Development and Selections to Treat Large Complex Groundwater PlumesM.H. Schulman, L. McGlochlin, D.R. Griffiths, J. Schuetz, and K. GaronPosterViewView