Assessing Remediation Effectiveness

D4. Advances in Monitoring Injection Effectiveness (e.g., Radius of Influence)

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Where's Waldo: Finding Injected Amendments and Estimating Radius of Influence at a Former Retail Station in Rural Kentucky W.L. Brab, B. Borth, and R. BoylePlatformViewView
Application of Helium and Sulfur Hexafluoride as Tracer Gasses to Optimize Air Sparging PerformanceA. Hodges, T. Feng, M. Strong, and B. DehghiPlatformView 
Temporal Surface Geophysical Mapping to Assess Permanganate Injection Distribution and Recirculation Using a 100-Foot Deep Horizontal WellT. Halihan, M. Fulkerson, J. High, and S. McDonaldPlatformView 
Case Studies: Field QA/QC Monitoring of Subsurface BOS 100® InjectionsN. Lichti, B. Tunnicliffe, and M. MazzaresePlatformViewView
Using Multiple Techniques to Monitor Effectiveness of In Situ InjectionsT.A. HarpPlatformViewView
Digital Documentation and Evaluation of CPS Distribution in Soil Cores Following Injection for Hexavalent Chromium FixationC.S. Alger, N. Gregory, E. Levy, and J. MarshakPosterView 
Lines of Evidence for Injection Solution Distribution in a Groundwater Transition ZoneC. Bell, F. Stanin, D. Garcia, and D. EleyPosterView 
Geophysics Tomography for Time-Lapse Mapping of In Situ STAR Thermal RemediationL.M. Trento, J.I. Gerhard, P. Tsourlos, M. McMaster, A. Sims, D. Liefl, and J. VidumskyPosterView 
Using High-Resolution Data to Evaluate Distribution and Effectiveness of In Situ InjectatesT.A. HarpPosterView 
Applications of Electrical Resistivity Tomography to Support Remedy Selection and ImplementationT. Johnson, M. Truex, C. Strickland, J. Thomle, S. Springer, B. Williams, F. Elloy, P. Baynes, and M. ByrnesPosterView 
The Use of High-Resolution Tools for Preliminary Assessment of ROI of Injections of Remediation ProductsV.V. Sewaybricker and R. SpinaPosterView