Assessing Remediation Effectiveness

D6. Applications of Mass Flux and Mass Discharge for Remedial Design/Optimization

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Spatially-Averaged, Flow-Weighted Concentrations: A More Relevant Regulatory Metric for Groundwater CleanupM. EinarsonPlatformView 
Development of Advanced Single-Well Applied Tracer Techniques for Improving Reliability of Groundwater and Contaminant Mass Flux MonitoringS. Brouyère, P. Jamin, P. Orban, A. Dassargues, and F. CosmePlatformViewView
A Practical Framework for Flux-Based Monitoring Programs A. Horneman, C. Divine, T. Sandtangelo-Dreiling, S. Lloyd, H. Anderson, M.B. Smith, and J.E. McCrayPlatformViewView
Evaluation of Mass Discharge to Surface Water in Tidally-Influenced Aquifer by Passive Flux MetersR.K. SillanPlatformViewView
Mass Flux as a Tool for Evaluating and Demonstrating Remedial Objectives and Optimizing a Combined Remedy Hydraulic Containment and Bioremediation SystemJ. Langenbach, J. Bartlett, and J. ShyePlatformViewView
Use of Flux Measurement for Remedial Design Optimization of a Combined Remedy for Source Treatment and Large Dilute Plume Management K. Lynch, T. Macbeth, D. Giaudrone, N.L. Smith, R. Chichakli, C. Cora, and R. FuentesPlatformViewView
Return on Investigation (ROI) Using SMART Characterization Approach for the Remedial Design of a TCE Plume in a Granitic Weathered Bedrock Aquifer in BrazilL.J. Athayde, F. Gutierres, K.F. Barbosa, R.B. Santini, V.F. Bernardo, and P.L. LimaPosterView 
Groundwater Flux Modeling of Chlorinated Compounds through Metamorphic Fractured Bedrock in Rhode IslandJ. Bartos, J. Hershberger, N. Goulding, and J. BrezaPosterView 
Field and Laboratory Comparison of an Innovative Velocity Tool with Other Methods for Velocity Measurement in AquifersE. Essouayed and O. AtteiaPosterView 
Transient Mass Discharge Reduction versus Source Mass Reduction Following an In Situ LNAPL Source Remediation S.R. Lenschow, A.G. Christensen, A.M.B. Lindof, P. de Blanc, and K. KostarelosPosterView 
High-Resolution Mass Discharge Evaluation at a Chlorinated Solvent Release Site in Sao Paulo, Brazil O. Miles, M. Einarson, and M. SingerPosterView 
Mass Discharge Approved as Primary Regulatory Criteria at Two Major Industrial SitesA.A. Rees and K. GreenPosterView 
Site-Specific Geochemical and Mass Flux Assessments for Metals Lead to Optimized Groundwater Remedial Approach Adjacent to a RiverJ. Engels, C. Reuter, R. Fraser, H.E. Roaza, N. Goulding, A. Lillie, J.E. Vondracek, and S.K. HavlikPosterViewView
Comparison of Three Mass Flux Estimation Methods Applied to a NAPL-Impacted Sedimentary Aquifer in BrazilG. Van den Daele, P. Rego, L. Ribeiro, W. LeFevre, E. Spande, C. Mowder, M. Sherrier, and J. HendersonPosterView