Remediation Technology Development

C3. Innovative and Optimized Delivery Methods

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State of the Practice for Innovative and Optimized Delivery Methods for Liquid and Solid Amendments in a Variety of Lithologies E. Cooper, N. Hey, S. Chen, and R. KelleyPlatformViewView
A New Technology for In Situ Remediation of Contaminated Sites by Cryo-Enhanced Delivery of Reactants in Low Permeable Clayey DepositsH.U. Sø, R. Jakobsen, C. Kjøller, K.E. Klint, T.H. Larsen, A. Tsitonaki, and N. TuxenPlatformView 
Specifically Configured Groundwater Circulation (GCW) System for Accelerated Biodegradation of CAHs under Anaerobic ConditionsD. Hiller, M. Piepenbrink, K. Mueller, and E. AlesiPlatformViewView
In Situ Solidification/Stabilization of a Residual Acid Tar via Deep Soil Mixing with Large Diameter AugersD. Collins, E. Rowney, R. Andrachek, and N. JohnsonPlatformViewView
Delivery of a Permeable Injection Network for Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination Treatment: Adapting to Site ChallengesD.L. Schnell, P.J. Palko, and S.G. FeldmannPlatformViewView
Targeted Permeability Enhancement and ZVI Emplacement to Improve In Situ Bioremediation of a High-Concentration SourceN.T. Smith, D.D. Nguyen, N.L. Smith, K.J. Waage, M.R. Lamar, R.A. Wymore, K.S. Sorenson, S. Garcia, I. Bowen, G. Guest, and C. KaiserPlatformViewView
Injectant Delivery through Combination of Infiltration Galleries and High Vacuum ExtractionJ. Byrd, P. Patey, and J. SpainPosterViewView
In Situ Remediation of TCE-Impacted Groundwater with Limited Water-Bearing and Low-Permeability AquiferD.N. Bekele, S. Chadalavada, M. Mallavarapu, and R. NaiduPosterView 
Next Generation Injection Manifold for Controlled Delivery of Liquid Amendments for Enhanced Distribution and ContactE. Cooper and D. CaputoPosterView 
Comparison of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Injection Techniques for In Situ Chemical Reduction of TCE in Low Permeability AquifersN.E. Diem, V.S. Mankad, D.P. Leigh, and N. HeyPosterView 
Effectiveness of Air Sparging Using a "Booster" ApproachM. Fulkerson, N. Ume, M. Perlmutter, M. Louth, D. Cleland, and C. DelaneyPosterView 
Augered Soil Removal and In Situ Biological/Chemical Degradation of PCE R. Girouard, J.T. Spadaro, and M. PetersonPosterView 
Permanganate Distribution and TCE Source Area Results Three Years after Full-Scale Injection of Solid Reagent by Controlled-Jet InjectionS. Golaski, G. Maalouf, D. Bryant, D. Knight, and B. SlackPosterView 
Optimizing Injections in Nonoptimal Environments: The Marriage of HRSC with Advanced Injection Approaches to Treat TCE in Glacial TillK. Grosinske, C. Scala, D. DeYoung, D.K. Nair, D. Leigh, and D. WileyPosterView 
Use of Two Injection Techniques to Apply Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination at a VOC Plume SiteM. Perlmutter and R. GoodsonPosterView 
New Application of the Grout Bomber Technology to Remediate Low-Permeability Contaminated Media S.D. Richardson, C.J. Newell, J.A. Long, M.L. Schofield, and L.M. RochaPosterView 
Utilization of Innovative Methods to Design and Install a ZVI-PRB Using Vertical Inclusion Propagation to Intercept a Chlorinated PlumeD.L. Schnell, P.J. Palko, and J. SantacrocePosterView