Characterization and Remediation of PFAS

A5. PFAS Risk Assessment



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Comparison of Published Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Fish Consumption Advisories in Australia and the USA. A.R. Quintin and T. Rodolakis.ViewView
 Human Intake of PFAS from Locally-Sourced Foods in Environments Impacted by 3M Lightwater™. S. Richards, K. Teague, A. Mitchell, and M. Bowersox.  View  View
 A Framework to Evaluate Potential Risks to Listed Species from Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances. J.G. Suski, E. Yan, K. Cerny-Chipman, and C.J. Salice.  View  View
What Biota Data Can Be Adequately Approximated from Risk Assessment Tools for PFAS? A. Lee, L. Mcleod, G. Avakian, and C. Birrer.ViewView
 Risk Assessment Challenges Associated with Atmospheric Transport of PFAS. L.J. Trozzolo.  View  View
Addressing Uncertainties in PFAS Risk Assessment. W.R. Rish and G.P. Brorby.  View  View
Combined In Situ/Ex Situ Treatment of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS)-Contaminated Groundwater. M. Crimi, T.M. Holsen, S. Mededovic Thagard, D. Siriwardena, J. Guelfo, S. Woodward, N. Hagelin, D. Woodward, and J. Heath.View