Track D: Advanced Tools for Assessing Bioremediation
D8. Improved Conceptional Site Models that Include Biodegradation Data




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A Novel Biomarker for Monitoring Anaerobic In Situ Degradation of Benzene
C.R.A. Toth, O. Molenda, C. Nesbø, N. Bawa, S. Guo, F. Luo, C. Devine, R. Flick, E.A. Edwards, J. Webb, and S. Dworatzek
Using Molecular Tools to Predict Rate Constants for Anaerobic Biodegradation of cis-DCE and Vinyl Chloride in Groundwater
J.T. Wilson, B. Wilson, M. Michalsen, K. Kacharzyk, F. Murdock, and F. Loeffler
Assessing the Genetic Potential for Natural Source Zone Depletion at a Petroleum-Contaminated Site
K.L. Sublette, K.C. Clark, S.M. Rosolina, and D.M. Taggart
Subsurface Depositional Environment of Ellsworth Air Force Base (AFB), South Dakota, and Its Role in Bioremediation Strategy
J. Sadeque