Abstract Specifications & Submittal

Abstracts are due December 4, 2024.


The program will be developed through a multilevel review by the Program Committee and the session chairs, beginning in early December 2024.

See pages 4-5 of the Call for Abstracts document for examples of anticipated presentation topics. 

Abstracts are welcome on all relevant topics and the submission portal will remain open until we reach program capacity.


Abstract Specifications

Each abstract should be submitted only once. Please do not submit the same abstract for multiple topic areas. Submitters should select their session preference upon submission, however, final placement will be determined by the review committee based on the best program design.

Because hundreds of abstracts will be received for review, abstracts must be well-written, clearly and concisely outlining the material being proposed for presentation.

Abstracts must convey the information reviewers will need to assess the scope of the work and the data likely to be available at the time of the presentation, determine its relevance, compare it with other proposed presentations, and, if accepted for the program, assign it to an appropriate platform or poster session.

Abstracts with a pronounced advertising or marketing focus will not be accepted.

See the  example abstract for format specifications.

  • Abstracts must be in English
  • Abstracts cannot exceed one standard-size page (8.5”x11”) of a Microsoft Word® document with 1 inch left/right/top/bottom margins

Abstracts must be organized under the following required subheadings shown in the example abstract:

  • Background/Objectives
  • Approach/Activities
  • Results/Lessons Learned


Abstracts may be submitted only online through the link below. Emailed abstracts will not be accepted.

The submission form will require the following:

  • Agreement to the abstract submission terms & conditions
  • Complete contact information for the corresponding/presenting author and all co-authors (postal mailing address, phone number, and email address)

Participation as a platform or poster presenter in the Symposium technical program has certain responsibilities that are required to ensure a productive and successful event for all attendees. 

Primary (corresponding/presenting) authors should be confidently committed in their ability to attend the in-person event and should read, understand, and agree to the abstract submission and program acceptance policies found on the submission form before submitting an abstract for the technical program.

All technical program participants must register and pay the applicable technical-program registration fees within 30 days of program acceptance notification.

Submit an abstract for the 2025 Bioremediation Symposium


The corresponding/presenting author of each abstract will be notified by email in late February 2025 of the placement and format (platform or poster) decision.

If the abstract is accepted, the notification email will state the session and format (platform or poster) to which it was assigned and provide information on preparing the presentation.

The corresponding/presenting author’s format preference (platform or poster) will be taken into consideration by the reviewers, but placement as requested is not guaranteed. Final decisions on format (platform or poster) and placement will be based on best overall design of the Symposium program.

All presenting authors and session chairs are expected to register and pay the applicable technical-program registration fees.

No financial assistance is available to support registration or other costs of attending the Symposium. This policy is necessary because registration fees are the major source of funding for the Symposium and a significant percentage of registrants will make presentations or chair sessions.