Photo: Abstract photo to represent Battelle's science and technology solutions for the world

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STEM and Philanthropy Inquiries

If you have questions about Battelle STEM Education or philanthropy please submit the form below.

Photo: Two STEM Students working on a microelectronics trust project

Battelle Philanthropy

Learn how we invest millions of dollars each year back in the communities where our employees live and work.

Explore our philanthropy

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Our Customer Experience team is here to help you with what matters most, including commercial and government business inquiries, customer feedback, questions about Battelle and more.

Our Headquarters

Street Address

505 King Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43201



Visitors to Battelle Columbus campus should use the entrance off of King Avenue. Use the parking lot on the immediate right. Enter through the main double doors.

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Photo: Battelle headquarters from the front entrance

Ethics Reporting

Battelle takes its legal and ethical obligations seriously. The timely and appropriate resolution of ethical problems within Battelle is essential to maintaining our reputation and fulfilling our legal responsibilities. Concerns may be reported on an anonymous basis to the Ethics Hotline.

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