Battelle’s PFAS Annihilator Victorious Over ‘Forever Chemicals’

Photo: Battelle solver mark reyes working on the battelle pfas annihilator mobile unit

Battelle is the latest organization to battle per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) chemicals, using supercritical water oxidation technology to fight the contaminants. And its solution may have the boldest name yet: the PFAS Annihilator.

PFAS, or so-called forever chemicals, persist in the environment. They’ve been found in water, air, fish and soil at locations around the globe and linked to harmful health effects in humans and animals. But Battelle says its technology will make it difficult to keep calling them “forever” chemicals, says Amy Dindal, PFAS program manager for Battelle, headquartered in Columbus, Ohio.

“The end product is inert salts and PFAS-free water,” Dindal says, summing up the results of a recent customer engagement project at a wastewater treatment facility in Michigan. There, a mobile Annihilator was used to “safely and completely destroy” PFAS in contaminated water at a plant operated by Heritage-Crystal Clean.

PFAS chemicals are a concern because were widely used in everything from non-stick cookware to food packaging and firefighting foams. Now that federal agencies and others are looking to address PFAS, with phase-outs and cleanups, Battelle’s technology and that from companies like 374Water and AClarity is in high demand.

“It really is about state, federal, government, commercial, industry, nonprofits like Battelle working together that we’re going to achieve a success,” Dindal says.

Read the rest of the article here.

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