Inspiring the Next Generation

Photo: Lou Von Thaer and Wes Hall at Indianola Metro school

A century ago, Gordon Battelle planted the seeds of a legacy that continues to grow and thrive today.

Feeling a strong sense of responsibility to the Columbus community and the advancement of scientific research, Gordon’s vision was to use scientific discovery and advances in technology for the betterment of society. In his 1923 Last Will & Testament, Gordon left a large portion of his estate to create the Battelle Memorial Institute, now one of the world’s largest private research organizations.

True to Gordon’s vision, Battelle, which is headquartered in Columbus, is an independent nonprofit that advances science and technology to have the greatest impact on society. The organization aims to bring together the brightest and most creative minds to solve some of the world’s greatest challenges through research, collaboration, and innovation. Battelle also has its sights set on the next generation, with a commitment to making science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education accessible to as many students as possible.

Lou Von Thaer, President and CEO of Battelle, said that giving students access to STEM education, especially in K–12 classrooms, is imperative to our region’s future.

Read the full article here.

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