Monroeville Local Schools Wins Ohio STEM Classroom Grant

Photo: stem students working on a chemistry project

COLUMBUS — Monroeville Local Schools and STEM teacher Mike Liptay will be awarded $5,000 to expand STEM learning projects through Ohio STEM Learning Network Classroom Grant Program, funded by Battelle. The school’s grant is one of 233 issued this fall to create sustainable, STEM learning projects.

The project, Engage STEM Inquiry Labs, will leverage sensor technology to create engaging STEM activities that inspire students’ natural curiosity through authentic problem solving experiences.

In total, 161 public schools join Monroeville in winning the award. The program reached students in one of every seven school districts (130) across 60 Ohio counties.

Read the full article here.


Oct 18, 2023


Norwalk Reflector Staff


Norwalk Reflector

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