Application of Bioremediation to complex Sites

D1. Biodegradation in Fractured Bedrock Sites

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Hydraulic Tomography: Estimating 3-D Hydraulic Conductivity in a DNAPL-Contaminated Fractured Rock Aquifer, Newark Basin, New Jersey, USAW. Barrash, C. Tiedeman, C. Thrash, J. Patterson, and C. JohnsonPlatformView
Enhanced Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents in Fractured Bedrock AquifersD. Taggart, K. Clark, B.R. Baldwin, and M. BurnsPlatformView
Identification of PCE Degradation Processes in Fractured Rock AquiferM. Stayrook, J. Waddell, and M. DeverPlatformView
The Effect of Bioremediation on Microbial Community Dynamics, Transport and Degradation of Chlorinated Solvents in a Fractured-Rock AquiferJ.C. Underwood, R.W. Harvey, D.M. Akob, M.M.PlatformViewView
ITRC's Bioremediation of Chlorinated Ethenes: DNAPL Source Zones—Fractured Rock ApplicationsR.A. Wymore, T. Macbeth, N. Akladiss, and M.B. SmithPlatformViewView
The Influence of Complex Fractured Bedrock on In Situ Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination of TCEF. Barranco, K. Fox, J. Drummond, B. Rundell, and R. BowerPlatformView
Bioaugmentation of DNAPL in Fractured Bedrock and Low Permeability SoilS. Abrams, L. Zeng, M. Pepperman, T. Clark, and N. RiversPosterView
Bioremediation in a Fractured Bedrock Aquifer Using High Concentration Sodium LactateG. Chen, J.T. Lyons, K. Kaster, D. Patel, and J. RomigPosterView
Full-Scale Implementation of In Situ Chemical Reduction and Enhanced Bioremediation of VOC-Impacted Fractured Bedrock and GroundwaterD.M.Conley and E. BishopPosterView
More Than a Decade of Challenges and Success: Enhanced In Situ Reductive Dechlorination of Trichloroethene/1,1,1-Trichloroethane Source Area in Fractured BedrockC.A. Fogas, M.S. Kozar, and M.A. HepnerPosterView
Enhanced Biotic and Abiotic Attenuation of TCE in Fractured SandstoneR. Yu, D.L. Freedman, and R.G. AndrachekPosterView
Source Area Bioaugmentation of Multiple Chlorinated VOCs in Overburden and Bedrock AquifersK.F. Kelly, L. Zeng, R.M. Bond, and S. AbramsPosterView
Lessons Learned from Application of In Situ Chemical Reduction Technology to Treat Chlorinated Ethenes in Fractured Bedrock at a Redevelopment SiteF. Lakhwala, R. Srirangam, R. Harwood, E. Mertz, M. Meriney, and L. DodgePosterView