Evaluating and Mitigating Vapor

E4. VOC Vapor Intrusion

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A Breath of "Fresh Air": Evaluating the Role of Sewer Pathways in Vapor IntrusionT.E. McHugh and L.M. BeckleyPlatformView
Modeling and Measurement of VOC Mass Transfer within Sewer Lines that Act as Preferential PathwaysM. Roghani, E.J. Willet, E. Shirazi, and K.G. PennellPlatformView
Vertical Screening Distance Criteria to Evaluate Vapor Intrusion Risk from Lead ScavengersR. Kolhatkar, H. Luo, T. Peargin, M.A. Lahvis, I. Hers, P. Jourabchi, and J. WilsonPlatformView
Large/Old Industrial Buildings: Will the Real Attenuation Factor Please Stand UpM. Pound and V. HosangadiPlatformViewView
Evaluation of Vapor Intrusion Risk from a Shallow Chlorinated Solvent Plume, Former Naval Air Warfare Center WarminsterA.C. Barton, J.M. Dale, P. Rodgers, I. MacGregor, and J. GoodPosterView