Managing Petroleum Hydrocarbon Sites

B6. LNAPL Mobility, Transmissivity, and Recoverability

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Era of the BioGeoPhysioChemoHydrogeologist Is Now: Integration of Disparate Lines of Evidence to Craft Robust LNAPL Conceptual Site Models in Support of LNAPL RemediesA.J. Kirkman and J.M. HawthornePlatformView
You Get What You Measure: Emerging Concepts and Philosophies for the Quantification, Interpretation, and Application of LNAPL TransmissivityJ.M. HawthornePlatformView
Field Trials of Periodic-Sinusoidal Slug Tests for Aquifer Properties and LNAPL TransmissivityD.A. Lundy, D. Demko, and G. RosenzweigPlatformView
Application of LNAPL Mass Flux and Natural Source Zone Depletion to Demonstrate LNAPL Body StabilityR. AhlersPlatformView
Quantifying LNAPL Mobility in Fractured Rock: An Equivalent Porous Media ApproachA. Danielson, J. Berns, and P. McHughPosterViewView
Surfactant-Enhanced Extraction to Expedite Remediation of a Carbon Tetrachloride Source Zone at an Active Grain Elevator FacilityEric S. Dulle and George IveyPosterView
Single-Day LNAPL Transmissivity Measurement through Improved Efficiency Baildown TestingJ.M. Hawthorne and A.J. KirkmanPosterView
LNAPL Program Management through Transmissivity: Investigation through IRM CompletionM. Nagaiah, S. Uelend, and D. LawPosterView
LNAPL Transmissivity: Too Simple of a Metric in Complex Conditions?D.T. de Courcy-BowerPosterView
Focusing a Mineral Spirit LNAPL Investigation towards Remedial Design Using UVOST Combined with Traditional Sampling to Assess 3-D DistributionR. Simon and M. PietruchaPosterView
Evaluation of Direct-Push Methods for Quickly Assessing LNAPL Presence, Mobility, and RecoverabilityJ. Wright, T. Nelson, T. Duffy, and A. PenningtonPosterView