Advanced Diagnostic Tools

I7. Innovative Sampling and Investigation Tools

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Coupled Radiocarbon and Short-Term Incubations Measure In Situ Hydrocarbon Degradation RatesT.J. Boyd, R.H. Cuenca, Y. Hagimoto, and M.T. MontgomeryPlatformView 
Use of an Innovative Multi-Increment Sampling Approach to Estimate Mass Balance and Optimize Remediation of PCE in Soil W.Y. Ng, S. Cocchia, and F. HopkinsPlatformViewView
Direct Determination of Dechlorination Rates Using Radiolabeled cis-DCE Enabling Optimized Risk and Plume ManagementR. Jakobsen, C. Nyrop Albers, K. Tsitonaki, M.M. Broholm, L. Clausen, and N. TuxenPlatformView 
Rapid Mapping of Soils in China Using a Handheld DeviceR. StewartPlatformViewView
Polyethylene Devices (PEDs): Customizable Tools for Unique Applications in a Variety of Environmental ScenariosE.M. Kaltenberg and L.F. LefkovitzPlatformViewView
Real-Time and In Situ Monitoring of Aquatic Environments Using Indigenous Microbial Community-Based BiosensorsT.M. Vogel, M. Altizer, J.M. Monier, and O. SibourgPosterView 
MiProbe™: Recent Test Results for a (Bio)Electrochemical Sensor System for Continuous Redox Surrogate MonitoringS. Burge, K. Polansky, S.S. Koenigsberg, and J. StuderPosterView 
Estimating NAPL Effective Hydraulic Conductivity and Potential Velocity in the Field Based on Laboratory Pore-Fluid Mobility Test ResultsM.J. Gefell, K. Russell, and M. MahoneyPosterViewView
Novel Technology for Sampling Volatiles in the Unsaturated ZoneP. Larsen, P. Loll, C. Larsen, and H.C.K. ØstergaardPosterView 
Field Tests with the OIP-Green DP Photologging System for Detection of Coal TarsW. McCall, T.M. Christy, D.A. Pipp, B. Jaster, R. Bean, I. Smith. G. Richards, and J. StephensonPosterView 
Reduced Variability In Groundwater Monitoring Results Using the TIGER™ Time-Integrated Groundwater SamplerT. McHugh, H. O'Neill, K. Moran, B. Oyston, and A. SchumacherPosterView 
An Evaluation of Metals and Hydrocarbon Field Screening Methodology for Enhanced Soil Contamination DelineationB. Reed and J. ZepedaPosterView 
What is between These Two Wells? Cross Borehole Georadar for Identifying Migration Pathways at Contaminated SitesK. Tsitonaki, M.C.L. Zibar, L. Nielsen, N. Tuxen, and A. EdsenPosterViewView
Rare Earth Elements: Potential Natural Tracers for In Situ Remediation of GroundwaterR.T. Wilkin, R.D. Ludwig, and T.R. LeePosterView