Characterization, Fate, and Transport

H5. Improvements in Site Data Collection, Data Management, and Data Visualization

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Augmented Reality: The Future of Conceptual Site ModelsN.R. Welty, A. Yanites, and J.A. QuinnanPlatformView 
Geologic Modeling and Digital Visualization of Complex Sites: A Contaminant Fate and Transport Fractured Bedrock Case StudyJ. Drummond, K. Fox, F. Barranco, B. Rundell, and R. BowerPlatformViewView
Using Data Management and 3-Dimensional Data Visualization to Generate More Complete Conceptual Site Models and Streamline Site ClosureJ. Orris and J. RufPlatformViewView
Interactive Visualizations of 5 Million Sensor Measurements of the Capillary Fringe Lead to an Optimized Soil RemedyC. Dixon, T. Kalinowski, C. Brownfield, S. Mikaelian, and M. TerrilPlatformViewView
An Evaluation of Electronic Field Data Collection Solutions: Lessons LearnedD. Cleland and T. WrightPlatformViewView
CSM Development and In Situ Bioremediation Optimization in Fractured Bedrock Using 3-D Visualization and AnalysisE.B. Dieck, R.E. Lees, B. Bond, K. Kelly, and J. BreinerPlatformView 
Saturated Soil Sampling to Determine Effective Source Remedy StrategiesP.J. Curry, J.A. Quinnan, and J. Wright PlatformView 
Data, Data, Data: Development of an Integrated Information Management System to Support Complex Environmental Programs and ProjectsC. Gepner and B.R. HoyePlatformViewView
Using Augmented Reality to Improve Communications and Decision Making of Stakeholders at a Former Chemical Manufacturing FacilityT.A. Fewless and I. RichardsonPlatformView 
Use of Multiple Direct-Sensing Technologies and 3-D Visualization to Complete a High-Resolution Site Characterization of a DNAPL PoolT. Koester, S.B. Gelb, R.M. Ruf, K. English, and M.K. MorelliPlatformViewView
Detailed Geological Modelling of a Contaminated Urban Area Based on Geophysical Mapping: A Case Study from Horsens, DenmarkT.R. Andersen and S.E. PoulsenPosterView 
When the Data are Conflicting or Confusing: Which Data Should You Believe?E.L. DavisPosterViewView
Non-Intrusive and Cost-Effective Investigation of Chlorinated Solvents at a Former Dry CleanerL. Torin and I. HersPosterViewView
High-Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC) and Three-Dimensional Data Visualization for a Fractured Rock Site: A Path to Streamlined ClosureJ. Orris and J. RufPosterView 
The Benefits of Acquiring Continuous Cores for Aquifer Characterization: Lessons from Petroleum Industry Best PracticesJ. SadequePosterViewView
Reimagining Bedrock Conceptual Models with Simplifying Assumptions, Spreadsheets, and Visualization Tools: An Approachable Method for Qualitative Evaluation of Fate and TransportB.P. Shedd, J. Alix, and R.R. ThompsonPosterView 
Assessing Impact of Mechanical Remediation Systems on Natural Attenuation Using Tetrahedral AnalysisK. Sra, K. McVey, and E. DanielsPosterView