Emerging Contaminants

A2. Energetics, Perchlorate

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Evaluation of Perchlorate Sources in a Southern California Aquifer Using Four Different Isotopic MeasurementsP.B. Hatzinger, L. Heraty, N.C. Sturchio, J.K. Bohlke, and J.A. Izbicki PlatformView
Remediation of Perchlorate-Impacted Vadose Zone Hydraulically Upgradient of an Industrial SiteM. BehroozPlatformView
Integrated Large-Scale Remediation of Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds and Perchlorate in Soil: Bermite Facility, Santa Clarita, California H. Amini and W. WeaverPlatformView
Ex Situ Treatment of Perchlorate, Metals, VOCs, and Pesticides in Groundwater J. Barnes, B. Robinson, K. Deeny, and J.T. SlaterPlatformViewView
Impact of Microscale Energetic Residues on Range Contamination IssuesM.E. Fuller, C.E. Schaefer, C. Andaya, and S. FallisPosterView 
Bioremediation of Perchlorate and Nitrate Using a Slow Release Electron DonorS. Shrestha, J. Gonzales, J. Batista, and R. Britto PosterView 
Field-Scale Treatability Study to Evaluate In Situ Soil Mixing of EVO and ZVI to Reduce Nitroaromatics in Saturated and Vadose ZonesS. Downey, R. Mayer, and R. MeadowsPosterView 
Trade-Offs in Utilizing Zero-Valent Iron for Synergistic Biotic and Abiotic Reduction of Trichloroethene and PerchlorateS. Mohana Rangan, A. Mouti, A.G. Delgado, R. Krajmalnik-Brown, G.V. Lowry, L. LaPat-Polasko, and H. BrentonPosterView