Application of Bioremediation to Complex Sites

C3. Amendment Delivery in Bedrock and Complex Geologic Environments



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Innovative and Sustainable Fractured Bedrock Remediation via a Surfactant-Enhanced Aquifer Remediation ApproachB.S. Langan, J.A. Bennett, D. Alden, and S. Bang.ViewView
LNAPL Remediation in Complex Geologic Setting Using an Activated Carbon-Based Injectate. B. Witman, M. Steele, and N. Thacker.  ViewView
Lessons Learned Performing Amendment Injections into Low-Permeability Media. M. Harkness.   ViewView
A Comparison of Cost and Performance between Permeability Enhancement Technology and Conventional Injection Techniques at Low Permeability Sites. N.T. Smith, K.S. Sorenson, D.D. Nguyen, and R.A. Wymore.ViewView
High-Resolution Site Characterization for the Design of an In Situ Bioremediation System in Dual-Porosity Bedrock. P.J. Mark, R.J. Fiacco, M.H. Daly, and L.J. Mastera.  ViewView
Full-Scale In Situ Treatment of TCE in a Fractured Bedrock and Overburden through Reagent Injections that Promoted Biotic and Abiotic Dechlorination. K. Ramanand, T. Chaturgan, P. Randazzo, and K.D. Dyson.View 
Integrating Geologic Investigations into Remedial Design to Enhance Amendment Delivery to Solvents in Bedrock. P.M. Dombrowski, D. Bytautas, C. Weeden, and M. Snyder.ViewView
A Pilot Study to Determine the Feasibility of Biological Degradation and Chemical Reduction to Turn Off an Extraction System. R. Mayer and C. Byers.View 
Post Bioremediation Chemical Reduction to Achieve Treatment Standards for Carbon Tetrachloride/Chloroform at an Industrial Site in Brazil. J. Sheldon and J. Orris.ViewView