Track E: Sustainability and Resilient Remediation
E2. Sustainable Remediation Assessment Tools




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Assessing the Sociotechnical of Remediation through Humanitarian Engineering and SustainAlytics Framework
J. Cloninger, B. Moak, M. Harclerode, and C. Silver
Consideration of Unintended Impacts in Sustainable Remediation Options
K. Waldron and G. Wolf
Analysis of the Economic, Environmental and Social Sustainability of Soil Remediation Technologies with AECOM's Sustainable Remediation Tool
F. Motta, S. Boccardo, C. Visccotti, and P. Cellie
Sustainable PFAS Remediation: Comparing the Environmental Impact of Enhanced Attenuation Using Colloidal Activated Carbon to Pump and Treat
G. Leonard, J. Laitinen, and K. Thoreson
Secure the Bag: Passive Groundwater Sampling as a Sustainable Remediation Assessment Tool at a Large Chlorinated Solvent Site in Texas
A.R. Denn and J.M. Skaggs
Climate Change Resiliency: Using Ecosystem Services Concepts to Guide Risk Assessments and Site Remediation
J.L. Heisler White
View Tech Transfer in the 21st Century
B. Yuncu, J. Hurley, and R.C. Borden