Author-Speaker-Chair Information

Registration Requirement. All presenters, Session Chairs, and panelists are expected to register before the Conference and pay the technical-program registration fees.

Early-bird registration discounts expire April 19, 2024.

No financial assistance is available to support registration or other costs of attending the Conference.

    Program Participant Information Pages


    Platform Presenter Information

    Poster Presenter Information

    Session Chair Information

    Other Important Reminders

    "Co-presenters" are not permitted. Each presentation is to be given by one person, and all correspondence will be sent to that person.

    Visas. If you require a visa to travel to the U.S., please begin the visa application process immediately; the placement email you received should serve to document your scheduled appearance at the Conference. Please contact the Conference Office ([email protected]) if you require additional documentation.

    Presentation Content Approval. If additional approvals are required (management, coauthor, client, or other) to give the presentation and/or to have the materials included in the proceedings, request such approvals as soon as possible.