Author-Speaker-Chair Information
Registration Requirement. All presenters, Session Chairs, and panelists are expected to register before the Conference and pay the technical-program registration fees.
Early-bird registration discounts expire April 19, 2024.
No financial assistance is available to support registration or other costs of attending the Conference.
Program Participant Information Pages
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Other Important Reminders | "Co-presenters" are not permitted. Each presentation is to be given by one person, and all correspondence will be sent to that person. Visas. If you require a visa to travel to the U.S., please begin the visa application process immediately; the placement email you received should serve to document your scheduled appearance at the Conference. Please contact the Conference Office ([email protected]) if you require additional documentation. Presentation Content Approval. If additional approvals are required (management, coauthor, client, or other) to give the presentation and/or to have the materials included in the proceedings, request such approvals as soon as possible. |