White Paper
Challenges Registering Pheromones in the European Union
Navigating the registration process for plant protection products can be difficult. That is why it is important to have an experienced partner throughout the process.
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What's Inside
EU Approval Process
Get an in-depth overview of the complex regulatory process for registering pheromones in the EU for crop protection products including the understanding of the roles of various authorities.
How We Can Get You There
Learn how Battelle’s multidisciplinary scientific experts can help bring your crop protection products and biologicals to market quickly and efficiently.
Registration Challenges
Discover the main hurdles and considerations when trying to successfully register a pheromone-based crop protection product and learn about the stages, data requirements and challenges involved.
Finding an Experienced Partner
Battelle has a long-standing reputation in the U.S. and Europe for being a trusted partner for conducting successful regulatory compliance strategies and supporting clients with the registration process for biopesticides, biostimulants and biofertilizers.