White Paper
Moving MPS to the Mainstream
An Implementation Roadmap for Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPS) in Forensic Labs
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What's Inside
Power of Parallel Processing
MPS uses massively parallel processing technology to vastly increase the speed and processing power of DNA sequencing devices. Instead of processing amplicons that generate a consensus sequence, MPS technologies can process up to millions of reads, or sequence of nucleotides, thus increasing the resolution of every sample.
Forensic Applications
DNA typing improves on the ability to make comparisons between samples, for example, to determine whether or not a sample taken from a crime scene and a reference sample are potentially from the same source. Studies performed since 2012 demonstrate the back-compatibility of STR genotyping developed through MPS compared with corresponding CE derived STR truth data.
Selecting a MPS Platform
The first step is deciding which platform to use. There are a variety of commercially available MPS platforms that vary in their laboratory-processing workflow, detection chemistries, data output, read length and error rates.
Adapting Workflows
The workflows for MPS aren’t radically different from those for CE, and none of the processes should be unfamiliar to experienced forensic laboratory staff. However, there are some modifications of which you should be aware.