Track D: Advanced Tools for Assessing Bioremediation
D9. Tools for Site Assessment and Bioremediation Monitoring




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Development of ASTM Guidance on Application of Molecular Biological Tools to Assess Biological Processes at Contaminated Sites
S. Dworatzek, B. Harding, P. Hatzinger, M. Heintz, E. Jennings, T.A. Key, R. Kolhatkar, T. MacBeth, E. Mack, A. Madison, C. Waletka-Hutchinson, C. Acheson, and S. Fiorenza
Role of Stratigraphic Models to Refine Site Assessments
B. Campanaro, J. Sadeque, R. Samuels, and D. Parse
Where is the Vinyl Chloride? Alternative Natural and Enhanced Degradation Pathways for Chlorinated Solvents
J.R. Hesemann
Groundwater Plume Analytics® Tools for Improved Conceptual Site Models at Bioremediation Sites
J.A. Ricker and D.C. Winchell
Rate of Extracellular Transfer of Charge and Bioremediation
S.R. Burge, R.G. Burge, E.D. Taylor, and K.D. Hristovski
Metagenomic and Metatranscriptomic Analysis of Organohalide-Respiring Microbial Communities in PCB-Contaminated Sediment Microcosms
H. Dang, J. Ewald, and T.E. Mattes
Long-Term Performance of a Carbon Barrier Evaluated through Integrated Use of Aspect Ratio, Passive Flux and Modelling Analytical Tools
J. Birnstingl, C. Lee, and C. Sandefur
Multiple Contaminants and Aquifers: 4D Mass Flux and Volumetric Analyses
T. Kremmin, T. Andrews, W. Nolan, and M. Ingraham
Field-Collected Soil Gas Data as an Inexpensive Line of Evidence to Monitor Natural Attenuation
K.A. Morris
Microbially Mediated p-Cresol and Toluene Production from Biomass Decay: An Unintended Consequence of Biostimulation for Treatment of Chlorinated Solvents
S.J. Reynolds, A.B. Gathings, and W.M. Moe
Quantitative Proteomics Approach to Monitor cVOC Bioremediation and Degradation Rates
K.H. Kucharzyk, F. Kara Murdoch, F.E. Loeffler, J. Wilson, P.B. Hatzinger, J.D. Istok, R.W. Murdoch, L. Mullins, A. Hill, and M. Michalsen