Track E: Sustainability and Resilient Remediation
E3. Robotic Technologies for Environmental Site Assessment and Monitoring




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Robotics in Environmental Site Assessment
J. Eichert, K. Pritchard, B. McAlexander, N. Sihota, and T. Hoelen
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Autonomous Characterization of Chloride and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Contaminated Soils Using Ground-Based Robotic Platforms
G.V. Lowry, A. Johnson, H. Wang, S. Wang, S. Deng, T. Hoelen, and N. Sihota
Drone-Based Phytoremediation Reconnaissance Using NDVI/NIR Multispectral Imagery at a Historical Waste Storage Landfill
C. Austin, B. Harding, A. Martin, and D. Gray
Long-Term Biomonitoring of Coal Ash Impoundments Using Plants and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Deployed Remote Imaging Platforms
J.L. Davalos, J. Amos, A. Butler, N. Harms, M. Kurth, T. Rycroft, and E. Gao
Autonomous Oil Sheen Detection Using Machine Learning and Transfer Learning Approaches
G.V. Lowry, J. Dong, J. Scalia, P. Bireta, N. Sihota, and T. Hoelen
Unmanned Aerial Systems for Environmental Assessment Applications
W.M. Stiteler and J.J. Diamond
Portable X-Ray Fluorescence for Autonomous In Situ Characterization of Chloride in Oil and Gas Waste
G.V. Lowry, N. Sihota, T. Hoelen, V. Nava, and A. Johnson
Where Should I Sample Next? Adaptive Sampling Algorithm for Rapid and Efficient Autonomous Screening of Soil Contaminant Distributions at Large Sites
G.V. Lowry, S. Deng, S. Wang, S.-W. Lee, K. Ganesh, J. Culp, T. Hoelen, N. Sihota, and A. Johnson