Abstract Specifications & Submittal

The 2024 Chlorinated Conference was conducted June 2-4, 2024, in Denver, Colorado.

Information about the 2026 Chlorinated Conference will be posted on this site as available; check back regularly for updates.

Battelle will organize and host 3 additional Conferences in 2025:

Abstract Preparation & Submittal

To ensure full opportunity for placement in the program, abstracts should be submitted by October 30, 2023.

Abstracts must convey the information reviewers will need to assess the scope of the work and the data likely to be available at the time of the presentation, determine its relevance, compare it with other proposed presentations, and, if accepted for the program, assign it to an appropriate platform or poster session.

Because more than 1,200 submissions are expected, abstracts must be well written, clearly and concisely outlining the material being proposed for presentation. Abstracts with a pronounced commercial or marketing tone will not be accepted.

See the  example abstract for format specifications.

  • Abstracts must be in English.
  • Abstracts should not include pictures or tables.

Abstracts must be organized under the following required subheadings shown in the example abstract:

Background/Objectives: State the problems, situations, and objectives that led to the work intended to be presented. For pilot- or field-scale work, briefly summarize the history, climate, and other pertinent conditions of the site(s). If the site(s) cannot be named for reasons of confidentiality, provide enough information to establish context.

Approach/Activities: Describe the project scale (e.g., laboratory, field) and identify the scientific principles, technology, or combination of technologies being studied.

Results/Lessons Learned: Mention any results that can be discussed now and describe the types of data and analyses expected to be available at the time of presentation.

NOTE: Battelle has implemented a new Conference Management System for all Conferences that encompasses abstract submission, Session Chair review and placement, Exhibitor management, and attendee registration.

Upon your first interaction with the new system, you will be prompted to create a username/password and attendee profile.

Abstracts may be submitted only online and each abstract should be submitted only once.

Upon submission, the submitter should select the most relevant topic area for the abstract. Session placement and format preference (platform or poster) may be entered on the submission form but are not guaranteed. Final decisions on session placement and format will be based on the best overall design of the Conference program.

The submission form will require the following:

  • Agreement to the abstract submission and program acceptance terms & conditions.
  • Your Abstract--prepared according to the instructions in the example abstract. Have the abstract file open, you will copy and paste sections of it into the submission form.
  • Co-Author Information--first name, last name, company, city, state/province, country, and email address—for each co-author listed on the abstract. Neglecting to enter co-authors will result in them not being listed in program materials. All entered co-authors will be notified via email after submission and prompted to complete their profile information.

The primary (presenting) author of each abstract will be notified by email of the final placement decision in late February 2024.

If the abstract is accepted, this email will state the session and format (platform or poster) to which it was assigned and provide information on preparing the presentation and submitting an updated abstract before the Conference.

Financial assistance is not available to support registration or other costs of attending the Conference. All presenting authors (platform and poster), session chairs and panel participants are expected to register and pay the standard technical-program registration fees. Registration fees are the major source of funding for the Conference and a significant percentage of registrants will make presentations or chair sessions.