Short Courses

Early-Bird Registration Available Through April 19, 2024.


Courses on topics within the general scope of the Conference will be offered on Sunday, June 2, and on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 4.

Course dates, times, descriptions, and Instructor lists are available below.

Courses that do not meet the minimum attendee requirement (6 attendees) by April 19 may be cancelled. Register today to ensure your preferred course continues.

Short Course materials will include the instructors’ presentation slides and other supporting materials as appropriate to the course, such as references from the literature, reprints, files, or publicly available software.

Short Course registration may be accessed once logged in to the general technical registration portal.

Register for a Short Course




PAID BY APRIL 19, 2024



4-Hour Course$300 USD$350 USD
8-Hour Course$400 USD$450 USD

All Conference Registration Terms and Conditions, including substitutions, transfers, cancellations, and refunds apply to Short Courses.


Laptop Required Course
Instructor: Mike Dereviankin (Dereviankin Consulting, Inc.)

Course Objective: The rapid advancement and increased ability to resolve chemical components has superseded the common procedures for forensic data analysis. Chemometrics is a discipline blended in data science that aims to efficiently extract information from the expanding inventory of measurable chemicals. A methodological workflow rooted in big predictive analytics will be presented for statistically modelling changes in complex collected chemical data for applications in forensic consulting.
Instructors: Jonas Garcia-Rincon (Legion Drilling), Junaid Sadeque (AECOM), Ben Campanaro (AECOM), Randy St Germain (Dakota Technologies, Inc.), Estella Atekwana (University of California, Davis), Dora Taggart (Microbial Insights, Inc.), Daniel Bouchard (GHD), Kayvan Karimi (GSI Environmental Inc.), Tom Palaia (Jacobs), Jonah Munholland (Arcadis), and Ed Winner (RPI)

Course Objective: Attendees will learn practical aspects for the application of advanced characterization and remediation approaches in contaminated sites. The course will provide strategies to better deal with heterogeneous conditions and benefit from subsurface biodegradation processes throughout the project lifecycle, from site screening to closure.
Instructors: Paul Hatzinger (APTIM), Grant Carey (Porewater Solutions), David Adamson (GSI Environmental Inc.), Charles Newell (GSI Environmental Inc.), Charles Schaefer (CDM Smith), Richard Anderson (Air Force Civil Engineer Center [AFCEC]), and Anthony Danko (NAVFAC EXWC)

Course Objective: A large body of information has been developed over the past several years to provide an improved understanding of the fate of PFAS and to develop approaches to mitigate the risk from these compounds in groundwater, including: (1) an improved understanding of PFAS fate and transport in both the vadose and saturated zone; (2) development of in situ adsorptive technologies to impede PFAS migration, (3) development and validation of technologies for in situ removal of PFAS from groundwater, and (4) providing a potential paradigm for monitored natural attenuation (MNA). However, it is difficult for the remediation community to condense relevant findings from the diverse array of research and field projects and apply that information to managing site-specific PFAS issues. The primary focus of this short course is the development and distribution of practical information on the in situ management of PFAS in groundwater.
Instructors: Stephanie Fiorenza (Arcadis), Andrew Madison (WSP USA Inc.), Sam Rosolina (Microbial Insights, Inc.), and Sandra Dworatzek (SIREM)

Course Objective: This course will provide site remediation professionals and regulators with insights and advice on best practices for use and application of molecular biological tools (MBTs) to assess and optimize bioremediation of chlorinated solvents, hydrocarbons and other recalcitrant compounds based on a new ASTM standard guide (ASTM E3354-22).
Instructors: Brant Smith (Evonik Corporation), Leah MacKinnon (Geosyntec Consultants), Chapman Ross (FRx, Inc.), and Josephine Molin (Evonik)

Course Objective: The purpose of this course will be to present current best practices regarding ISCO. The primary focus of this presentation will be on chemistry, design, application and monitoring methods, recent advances and the expected future evolution of ISCO.
Instructors: John Dougherty (CDM Smith) and Robert Garfield (Hager-Richter Geoscience, Inc.)

Course Objective: The objectives of this course are to familiarize students with 1) the different types of multilevel monitoring well systems, 2) borehole geophysical methods that are most useful for hydrogeologic characterization of overburden and fractured bedrock, 3) other methods for hydrogeologic characterization of fractured bedrock, and 4) the design of multilevel wells using borehole geophysical logs and other hydrogeologic data.
Laptop Required Course.
Instructors: Katie Elich (Woodard & Curran), Betsy Collins (Jacobs), Paige Molzahn (Jacobs), and Gerlinde Wolf (Ramboll)

Course Objective: This course, taught by members of the Sustainable Remediation Forum (SURF), will provide an overview of several publicly available tools that can be used to integrate and evaluate sustainability and resilience throughout the remediation project lifecycle. The course will include several case studies and hands-on demonstrations of a wide range of tools. Course participants will learn how to use these tools, the differences between them, appropriate use cases for each tool, and how to interpret results.
Instructors: Catherine Regan (Haley & Aldrich), Rich Rago (Haley & Aldrich, Inc.), Thomas McHugh (GSI Environmental), Lila Beckley (GSI Environmental), Kelly Pennell (University of Kentucky), and Gina Plantz (Haley & Aldrich, Inc.)

Course Objective: This technical course will provide comprehensive instruction on preferential pathway vapor transport considerations, with the objective that attendees will become familiar with lines of evidence for appropriately screening vapor intrusion (VI) sites with potential preferential pathways, application of sampling and analytical methods, and techniques for corrective mitigation. The course will also include a summary of a decade of case studies.
Instructors: Mehmet Pehlivan (JHA Environmental Inc.), Alex Mensen (JHA Environmental, Inc.), Jim Depa (Jacob and Hefner Associates), Greg Gibbs (JHA Environmental, Inc.), and David Jahn (JHA Environmental, Inc.)

Course Objective: This four-hour remediation course is intended for project managers, consultants, geologists, hydrogeologists, engineers, industry, agency, and government representatives who perform or evaluate different cleanup techniques. Attendees will gain an understanding of how remediation systems involving extraction or injection will work in subsurface, and how to optimize them for maximum efficiency. Participants will be able to make intelligent decisions in selecting remediation alternatives.
Instructor: George (Bud) Ivey (Ivey International, Inc.)

Course Objective: This course will present an easy to comprehend, visually driven model for understanding the technical aspects of hydrogeological and chemical behavior as they pertain to conceptual site models, site investigation of vapor intrusion, soil, bedrock, and groundwater investigation and in situ and ex situ site remediation.
Instructors: Prashanth Khambhammettu (Arcadis), Scott Potter (ARCADIS), and Marc Killingstad (Arcadis)

Course Objective: This course will present concepts, workflows, and tools that can lead to optimized remedies for a suite of contaminants ranging from the traditional (VOCs, for example) to the emergent (PFAS, for example). Central to these concepts is a nuanced understanding and quantification of volumetric flows within the system, distinguishing between mobile and immobile mass, and estimating cleanup times while addressing uncertainty. Practitioners and regulators can use the playbook presented here to take a second look at existing remedies.
Instructors: Orfan Shouakar-Stash (Isotope Tracer Technologies Inc.), Daniel Bouchard (GHD), and David Alden (Tersus Environmental)

Course Objective: The course will provide a fundamental understanding of compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) principles and methodologies and demonstrate the use of CSIA in identifying contamination sources within diverse environmental contexts. Instructors will showcase how CSIA aids in characterizing contaminant pathways and behaviors as well as characterizing and assessing the fate of different contaminants released in the environment. Attendees will explore the role of CSIA in devising targeted and efficient remediation strategies. This course is designed for environmental scientists, engineers, regulators, and stakeholders involved in investigating and remediating contaminated sites. It caters to individuals seeking advanced tools to enhance their understanding and approach to site investigation and remediation.
Instructor: Richard Philp (University of Oklahoma-Emeritus)

Course Objective: The presence of contaminants in air, water and sediments requires determination of origin and/or source, age, composition and extent of weathering. This course will discuss forensic approaches to investigate answers to these issues and discuss possible problems with data interpretation. The potential audience includes regulators, site managers, engineers, hydrogeologists, attorneys and environmental scientists.
Laptop Required Course.
Instructors: Sean Buchanan (Seequent) and Ben Heinle (Seequent)

Course Objective: This course will help attendees delineate extent and volume of a contaminant plume using variography with multiple interpolation methods (Kriging, Radial Basis Function, Inverse Distance) using the Contaminants Extension. It will show how to develop robust deliverables such as cross sections, block models, and contaminant-mass reports. This introductory course will give you the tools needed to confidently model your next contaminated site.
Instructors: Ed Winner (RPI), Maile Gee (State of California), Jim Finegan (Kleinfelder), Liz Simmons (Kleinfelder), and Alex Wardle (U.S. EPA)

Course Objective: This course will encourage the use of advanced site characterization tools (ASCTs) in the areas of direct sensing, surface geophysics, borehole geophysics, and remote sensing and to improve the participant’s ability to appropriately select and apply ASCTs. Within this objective is the introduction to the ITRC’s ASCT document, website, and training videos.
Instructor: Grant Carey (Porewater Solutions)

Course Objective: This short course will present unique radial diagram visualization and semi-quantitative methods and case studies for evaluating lines of evidence that demonstrate natural or enhanced degradation along a flow path; source depletion over time; and the forensic analysis of relative source contributions to a commingled plume. Case studies discussed in the course will include the following classes of chemicals: PFAS, chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, and inorganic redox indicators.