A functioning laboratory proof-of-concept is needed in larger volumes, at lower cost, and with higher reliability.
The Solution
Autonomously deployed, high accuracy ocean-measuring partial pressure carbon dioxide sensor system. The partial pressure carbon dioxide sensor (pCO2) is another design that transitioned laboratory proof-of-concept functions to products that are currently deployed around the world. Manufacturing quality ensures successful 18-month autonomous ocean deployments, after which the systems often are returned to Battelle for refurbishment. pCO2 is an ongoing, low-volume (typically one system per month), high-precision sensing instrument manufacturing project. These systems are also sold and shipped internationally.
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The Outcome
Design successfully transitioned and cost-reduced, with five years of ongoing manufacturing the sealed, electro-pneumatic system, meeting reliability requirements, and performing regularly scheduled refurbishment
Our expertise helps to gain insight on the impact of environmental issues and provides actionable information.
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Case Studies
Technology Commercialization and Licensing
With over 90 years of research and development experience, Battelle supports all areas of industry with intellectual property licensing focused on bringing our cross-disciplinary expertise to meet our clients' most difficult challenges.