Addressing Challenging Site Conditions

E10. Radiological Issues

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Understanding Uranium Plume Persistence Processes at a Former Uranium Mill Tailings Area through the Use of Laboratory and Field MethodsR.H. Johnson, P.W. Reimus, R. Bush, and W. FrazierPlatformViewView
Field Test of Vapor-Phase Ammonia Injection for Vadose Zone Remediation of UraniumM. Truex, C. Strickland, J. Szecsody, G. Chronister, and P. BaynesPlatformViewView
Site Characterization and Remedial Design for Surface Impoundments Containing Technologically Enhanced, Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM)J. Wallace, P. Zawislanski, C. Jones, and T. IkenberryPlatformViewView
Implementing Field-Scale Remediation Technologies for Uranium and Tetrachloroethylene in Soil and GroundwaterC. Morie, M. Hay, and B. IlgnerPosterView 
Influence of Calcium Carbonate Chemistry on Inorganic Contaminant Natural Attenuation and Secondary SourcesN. Qafoku, A. Lawter, J. Szecsody, M. Snyder, and M. TruexPosterView