
PODD: Partnerships in Drug Delivery 2023

October 16-17, 2023
Boston, MA

Battelle is proud to be a part of the 2023 PODD: Partnerships in Drug Delivery event. Stop by our booth to learn more about our solutions for novel drug delivery.
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About PODD

Pharma, biotech and the drug delivery industries gather annually at PODD to assess delivery needs, latest trends and information on deals and learn about a wide range of innovative drug delivery technologies that could improve the delivery of various types of drugs. This can include proteins, peptides, oligonucleotides, biologics, and small molecules and more. PODD provides business development opportunities through organized networking and a partnering tool for new, emerging and established collaborations.

Where to Find Us

Come see us at our booth or attend our session to learn more about our capabilities in drug delivery, technical due diligence, materials science and human centric design.

New Perspectives on Nanoparticle Platforms for Navigating Genetic Nanomedicine Through Regulatory Pathways

Anthony Duong, PhD
Principle Research Scientist, Battelle
Monday, October 16
2:00 – 2:15 pm

Enabling Your Drug Delivery Success

Novel therapies are changing the face of medicine. Getting them safely to patients requires innovative drug delivery. When you encounter a challenge where the solution seems just out of reach, or you need a partner in innovation, Battelle’s scientists, engineers, human-centered designers, and world-class facilities can help deliver your product to market with confidence.
explore Drug Delivery

Related Solutions

Innovating Inside the Box

A well-considered drug delivery system can maximize the effectiveness of innovative, small molecule and biologic therapies. But how do you choose the best system for your drug?
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