
Drug Delivery

Novel therapies are changing the face of medicine. Getting them safely to patients requires innovative drug delivery. When you encounter a challenge where the solution seems just out of reach, or you need a partner in innovation, Battelle’s scientists, engineers, human-centered designers, and world-class facilities can help deliver your product to market with confidence.
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Enabling Your Drug Delivery Success

From commonplace devices to bleeding-edge technologies, we know the road to market and we’re excited to help you navigate it with a map to success. Our multi-disciplinary team of experts can help get your drug delivery device to market on time and on budget.

We share your vision of a successful commercialized product approved by regulators, favored by users, and scalable to meet your business requirements. Our methodologies identify and retire risks to support successful product launches regardless of your stage in the development process.

Engineered Solutions

Image: Icon of an autoinjector device for subcutaneous infusion of medication

Handheld Injection

For over 20 years, Battelle has pushed the boundaries of platform architecture, user needs, and elegantly simple designs. Leveraging requirements and domain knowledge, we develop practical and intuitive devices for existing and new therapeutics.

Image: Icon of a patch pump drug delivery device

On-Body Infusion

On-body infusors are wearable drug delivery devices designed to drive subcutaneous infusion of larger volumes of medication in a user-preferred footprint. Battelle has been engaged in the design, engineering, user evaluation, and testing of these devices for over a decade.

Image: Icon of an inhalation medical device


Battelle’s unique and diverse capabilities around particle physics, aerosol characterization, airway modeling, and human factors have resulted in the design and commercialization of safer and more effective inhalation delivery systems, engineered around patient constraints.

Image: Icon of a human nervous system

Emerging Modalities

New molecules often require novel delivery solutions tailored to unlock their full potential. Successful commercialization requires a methodology for assessing both requirements and risks. At Battelle, you will find partners who leverage decades of experience to navigate the roads not previously taken.

Non-Viral Drug Delivery

We know you are dedicated to delivering better drugs to patients, faster. Our non-viral drug delivery (NVDD) experts are scaling the power of polymer nanoparticles to bring the promise of genetic medicine to everyone.
Read The Gene Therapy Blog

White Paper

Innovating Inside the Box

A well-considered drug delivery system can maximize the effectiveness of innovative, small molecule and biologic therapies. But how do you choose the best system for your drug?


Get the white paper

Image: Abstract image of lightbulbs

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